Category Archives: TeleHealth

Telehealth is the use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support long-distance clinical health care, patient and professional health-related education, public health and health administration

More Than Half of Kaiser Permanente’s Patient Visits Are Done Virtually

With the rise of mobile technology and online communications, the hospital chain has been increasingly using technology to cut down on the need for patients to trek to their doctor’s office. Last year, in fact, more interactions between Kaiser’s patients and health care providers were done virtually than through an in-person visit, CEO Bernard J. Tyson said on Thursday.


The Boom in Telemental Health

Telemental health seems to be emerging, even booming.  Also referred to as telebehaviorial health, e-counseling, e-therapy, online therapy, cybercounseling, or online counseling, for purposes of this post, I will define telemental health as the provision of remote mental health care services (usually via an audio/video secure platform) by psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, counselors, and marriage and family therapists.  Most services involve assessment, therapy, and/or diagnosis.   Over the last few years, I have seen a wider variety of care models—from hospitals establishing telepsychiatric assessment programs in their emergency departments to virtual networks of mental health professionals providing telemental health services to underserved areas to remote substance abuse counseling being provided to inmates in state prisons.

TechHealth Perspectives

We need better engagement, not more apps

As the Chief Experience Officer at the Cleveland Clinic, you might expect Adrienne Boissy to be a champion for the health system’s many mobile apps. But, at the Pop Health Forum in Chicago this week, Boissy took a different tack, arguing that apps by themselves are not a strategy, and can get in the way of a positive patient experience if they’re not deployed smartly.


Study finds patients often misuse wrist blood pressure monitors, leading to inaccurate readings

Not all blood pressure monitors are created equal, it seems. New research from Italy suggests that at-home, wrist blood pressure cuffs can be inaccurate if not done exactly right, leading to false reports of elevated blood pressure at home when compared to measurements taken in a doctor’s office.


Apple will now start screening medical and health apps more closely

Apple just released updated App Store Review Guidelines, and there are tremendous implications for the medical and health apps in the iOS App Store.

The changes they are announcing contain the most stringent language I have ever seen Apple use for the health and medical categories of apps. Frankly — these are a long time coming. The FDA recently updated guidelines on health apps, but this is definitely a bigger deal as Apple is the gateway for these apps.


How Nighttime Telehealth Services Can Improve Overnight Care

In hospitals across the country, the image of the solitary doctor making midnight rounds is changing, thanks to telemedicine.

That doctor now sits in front of a tablet, laptop or desktop computer, perhaps at home or even in another country. And he or she can be connected to several hospitals via a telemedicine network, helping night shift nurses with whatever needs to be done during those long, not-always-quiet hours between dinner and breakfast.
