Telehealth and mHealth initiatives are playing a significant role in the proposed 2016 budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs, with officials laying out more than $1 billion for specific telehealth programs and devoting more than half of the proposed IT budget for so-called “customized” programs.
Category Archives: TeleHealth
Telehealth is the use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support long-distance clinical health care, patient and professional health-related education, public health and health administration
TeleHealth Solutions Helps Advance Fast-Growing Telemedicine Industry with Comprehensive Services
TeleHealth Solutions addresses every step involved in procuring or optimizing telehealth programs, including selection, assessment, review, implementation, integration and support. The company is vendor-agnostic, providing unbiased input that allows customers to leverage existing resources and identify appropriate new technologies, resulting in a successful integrated system that meets current and future needs.
Telemedicine Set to Bloom in 2015
“Telemedicine may just be the biggest trend in digital health in 2015,” wrote Skip Fleshman, partner at Asset Management Ventures, in an article for Forbes. He noted that in his work, he has spent “a lot of time crisscrossing the country chatting with leading healthcare providers and insurers about their technology needs – by far the area they are most interested in is telemedicine.” According to Fleshman, Andrew Watson, the Chief Medical Director of Telemedicine at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center has this to say: “Telemedicine is moving like lightning. We’re able to do so much more than before.”
Millennials want telehealth and mobile apps
“While traditional communication channels remain popular among patients, the next generation of patients want innovations for how they connect with providers and share information,” the report said.
TeleHealth Bill Would Expand Access To Care
A bill requiring health plans in Colorado to provide health care services delivered through telehealth has passed through the House. House Bill 1029, sponsored by Rep. Perry Buck, R-Windsor. The bill would provide coverage for telehealth in any area of the state. Buck has called the bill “revolutionary” for the delivery of health care in the state.
Mississippi Proves Surprise Leader in Telehealth Payments
Mississippi’s congressional delegation has been at the forefront of efforts to increase use of telehealth. The federal lawmakers are in effect looking to the Mississippi state legislature as a model. Mississippi already has in place state laws that require insurance plans and Medicaid to pay for these services. These measures led the nonprofit American Telemedicine Association to put Mississippi at the top of an elite group of seven states for which it awarded an “A” in terms of coverage for health care delivered at a distance.
A New Twist on the Direct-to-Consumer Telehealth Trend
The industry’s growing interest in telehealth applications, in many ways, epitomizes a “spread the wealth” philosophy for healthcare. That’s the way Kevin Biese, M.D. sees it.
Majority of Patients Want Ease, Convenience of Telehealth
Patients are craving easier and more convenient ways to access healthcare, and would prefer to turn to telehealth instead of a traditional office visit for a number of routine services, says a Harris Pollconducted in conjunction with American Well. Whether it’s a prescription for an antibiotic or a consult for a feverish child in the middle of the night, remote care is gaining traction as 64% of patients now say they are willing to consider a video chat instead of a drive to their primary care provider.
Ready to consult with your physician via internet? Most Americans are
A new study from Harris Poll suggests that the majority of Americans are ready to take the dive into telehealth, and they want to do it via webcam.
ATA Submits Suggestions to Bi-Partisan Congressional Initiative to Expand Telemedicine
The American Telemedicine Association (ATA) has been working with an important bi-partisan coalition that has a goal to bring “21st Century Cures” to the United States. In comments submitted earlier this week to the House Energy and Commerce Committee, ATA recommended that Congress take immediate action to improve coverage for telehealth services under Medicare payment innovations in a number of areas from fee-for-services to Accountable Care Organizations to bundled payment programs.